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 플래시 슬롯 머신 게임 - 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트


Interim Regulation on the Administration of  College

1. Registration and Admission

Newly arrived students, with their passports and pictures, are required to get registered at the International College of Chinese Language & Culture before the pronounced deadline. The newcomers will get their student ID two weeks after registration.

At the beginning of every semester, students shall re-affirm their registration at the college office with their passports and stamped student ID card. Students who failed to ensure their arrivals at such prescribed dates because of specific reasons are required to provide written statements requesting the permissions of postponement to and therefore win approval from the college office. Students who fail to abide by this provision and not get registered after two weeks are considered voluntary withdrawal from the University.

2. Class Division

Newcomers are required to participate in the decisive examination. On the base of the result of examination goes through the class division. If student find out his Chinese level is different from the class’s level, he can inform the college office and hand in an application in one week to switch to another class, final decision will be given by the college office based on the specific circumstance.

3. Class Attendance

Students shall always bear in mind that they abide by all the disciplines and take class with all their attention. Late comings, early leavings, absence without the permission of the instructor shall not be permitted. The teachers take charge of recording class attendance, those whose absence from their regular studies are longer than 1/3 of the corresponding course will not be permitted to participate the corresponding examination,and the college will not provide learning certificate.

Students shall participate in all the regular academic activities designed by the university or college. In case of illness, prior notices asking for leaves are needed. Absences without notices of leave or without the permission of instructors shall be regarded as neglecting classes, and disciplinary punishment shall be given based on the seriousness of the actual case. One-day leave shall be informed to the instructor; a written notice asking for two-day leave is needed to the office.

4. Examinations

Academic programs contain the compulsory and the selected course. Basically examinations for the compulsory course are tests and for the selected course are two possible kinds: check-ups and tests. There is one final exam for every semester. Students who are absent from the final without proper excuse are considered to neglect examination, the result of which will be scored “zero”. The examination paper will be reserved by the college office, and prohibited to be copied by the students. Those who failed the examination can apply to take a make-up examination at the first week of the next semester. The fees therefore will be covered by the students themselves.

5. Examination Results

Students shall earnestly fulfill all the designated academic activities and programs in time in exact accordance with the academic requirements of the University and the specific teaching schedules of their respective majors, take classes with all their attention, do the review, the pre-reading in time and complete the homework as well.

The cent-grading system is adopted in the examinations. The ordinary evaluation takes 40% and the final score takes 60%. Those who win 60 points or above are considered qualified. The exam result sheet will be given at the end of each semester.

6. Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments

Students shall abide the state laws, decree and regulations of the university. Violation of regulations shall be subject to the following punishments in consideration of the seriousness of the cases: warning, serious warning, being kept in the university under surveillance, rustication, ect.

International College of Chinese Language & Culture, Hunan Normal University

March 20, 2004